Labels:book | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: ay bar disclosure, this includes the Privacy Act. Rut the Privacy Act's har unconsented dis- clONutE or personal data, and the exception that bar for disclosure reruired by the Freedom lfor- rilation Act (FOIA) must be conatrued 1 harmony witl the Labor Statute. The Authority' rulings oh- scrve this principle. The agency emplovers' approach, on the other hand, improperly crcales the fiction that. the subiect data reuests were made. under the FOIA thus ignoring the abor Statute asscssing the pub. lic intereat in aisclosure The gives effect to Congress's ur- [ose the Labor of creating an cfficient fed- cral sector labor Telations system by ruling for the improved comnunicationa resu] lting from union home address mailings. Unions wi]l he better uble per foim their statutory representational ...